Home»Other»City of Valparaiso Uses Funding to Reduce Emissions from Diesel Vehicles

City of Valparaiso Uses Funding to Reduce Emissions from Diesel Vehicles

sscc-iDiesel vehicles in the City of Valparaiso's Department of Public Works will produce fewer exhaust emissions after being fitted with technology paid for by the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission through Federal Highway Administration Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funding from the Indiana Department of Transportation.

Valparaiso officials were awarded $48,000 in reimbursable funds to install 18 diesel oxidation catalysts on street and recycling vehicles in their fleet. The catalysts, which were installed by Inland Power Group, are verified by the Environmental Protection Agency and California Air Resources Board. They are installed between a vehicle's engine and tailpipe.

South Shore Clean Cities Inc. administered the installation project through its Green Fleets Program. Carl Lisek, executive director, said exhaust that passes through a diesel oxidation catalyst is chemically and physically broken down into less harmful particles.

"These catalysts can reduce particulate matter emissions by 20 to 50 percent, toxic hydrocarbon emissions by more than 70 percent, and carbon and hydrocarbon emissions by more than 90 percent," he said. "They also can significantly reduce or eliminate the smoke, soot and odors associated with diesel engine operation."

Matt Evans, director of Valparaiso's Department of Public works, said, "Our reason for taking advantage of this diesel oxidation catalyst money isn't grand or complicated. It reduces pollution and that helps make our community a better place to live and breathe."