Home»Other»Citywide School Supply Drive Under Way

Citywide School Supply Drive Under Way

MC-Back-to-School-Drive-1Thirteen local organizations have announced a community-wide school supply drive, which will run July 25 – August 14. Supplies collected during the drive will be distributed to area students who are in need of materials to start the school year.

Many area businesses, including major retailers such as Wal Mart, Al’s and Jewel Osco will provide collection bins to accept donations from their employees and the general public. Additional collection sites are located at First Trust Credit Union, Horizon Bank, LaPorte Savings Bank, the Michigan City Area Schools Administration Building, Captain Ed’s Candy Island, City Hall, The News Dispatch, and WIMS Radio.

Businesses, churches, and other organizations are invited to participate in the collection drive. Supplies collected by community organizations and individuals may be brought to Elston Middle School’s Meer Gym on Wednesday, August 15, from 9:00 a.m. to Noon.

MC-Back-to-School-Drive-2Suggested donations include: pencils, black pens, crayons (24 count), spiral notebooks (wide or college rule), dry erase markers, glue sticks, glue bottles, pink erasers, scissors (blunt and sharp tipped), pencil boxes, 2-pocket folders, antibacterial wipes, facial tissues, backpacks (new or gently used), small “Ziploc” sandwich bags, colored pencils, rulers, highlighters, composition books, small pencil sharpeners, calculators, markers (washable), three-hole notebook paper, and three-ring binders/organizers.

Many families in our community are struggling to make ends meet,” says Pat Harris, chair of the Citywide Back-to-School Rally committee. “We hope that this drive will help assure that every student is prepared for school this fall.

MC-Back-to-School-Drive-3Distribution of supplies will take place during a Citywide Back-to-School Rally on Friday, August 17 from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Elston Middle School. The event is a collaborative effort supported by numerous community agencies. This year, the organizing committee for the Back to School Rally includes representatives from Indiana Black Expo, the Laporte County NAACP, the Boys & Girls Club, MDWise, Covering Kids and Families LaPorte County, El Puente, the City of Michigan City, Shaka-hand Maka-friend, the Michigan City Area Schools, Ivy Tech Community College, Deliverance and Victory Outreach Ministries, HealthLinc, and Purdue University North Central. Media partners include the News Dispatch, WIMS radio (AM1420) and WEFM radio (95.9FM).

Volunteers are needed on August 16 to assist in sorting school supplies collected, and on August 17 for the Back-to-School Rally. Please call or email Rachel Weaver at (219)785-5414 or raweaver@pnc.edu for details.