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CLASP Grants

CLASP grants have been awarded twice last year, once in January and again in May. Each application describes an innovative idea that one of our imaginative teachers has developed to make his or her classroom experience interesting and relevant to the students. The quality of the grant applications is always outstanding. The Foundation reviews each application and makes sure the teacher has met the mission and objective of the program. The following is a brief description of each of the project ideas and the amount of the grant awarded.

  1. Classroom Jeopardy! requested by Shannon Gonzales, 3rd grade, Cooks Corners School $400. This is a Student Remote System that allows students the opportunity to use technology in an interactive, effective way within the school setting. It allows for immediate feedback in a gaming-type situation that can be used for any subject.
  2. Laptop Computer requested by Wayne Lichtenberger, 6th through 8th grade Industrial Technology, Ben Franklin Middle School $750. All of the students at Ben Franklin take the Technology class, and this laptop will allow the classes to learn Computer Numerical Controlled programming and engineering concepts.
  3. Everyone Reads and Writes from A to Z requested by Melissa Brown, 1st grade, Northview Elementary $500. This program will put eight or more different books at the children’s specific reading level into their hands and their homes every week. Each school year, the children will have read and enjoyed over two hundred fiction and nonfiction books, which are leveled just for their independent reading success.
  4. Jewelry Project requested by June Saavedra, 8th grade Communication Arts, Ben Franklin Middle School $250. This project will allow the students to conduct research on the history and purpose of jewelry in different cultures and through history. They will learn about different metals, jewels and gemstones used to make jewelry, and the students will design and make pieces of jewelry.
  5. Creating a Safe School requested by Tammy Hofer, grades 5-12 Character Education $265. Through a partnership among the middle schools and the high school, peer mentoring and leadership discussion groups empower students to create positive social climate change in the schools, and provide anti-bullying and character education and mentoring.
  6. Dance Revolution requested by Miguel Rosario-Vega, grades 3-5 and 9-12 Music Education $750. Two concerts will be presented to the elementary school students by the high school bands to expose the students to live concert music and basic dancing styles from four different countries.
  7. Athletic Equipment requested by Dave Wagner and Nate Kaufman, 6th through 8th grades, Thomas Jefferson Middle School PE $750. A projector will allow the physical education classes to use instructional videos to teach dance lessons (a required curriculum) and the health classes to use PowerPoint and health education videos.