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Class of 2013 Celebrated at Valparaiso High School Graduation

Graduation day is a day devoted to celebrating an important point in students' lives. For now, the exams are finally over and normal school attire is replaced with fancy clothes while parents, grandparents, and other relatives come to admire the children in their family for crossing the finish line of a thirteen year long marathon.

At the graduation, officials' speeches make everyone glow, students beam with self-fulfillment, parents realize that their assistance—both financial and emotional—was worthwhile, and the faculty have the satisfaction of bringing another group through the system. Freezing this moment in time has an emotional effect. Each individual on the roll call will go on to have a life of joy and pain, of positive and negative experiences. Loss, hardship and frustration will be mixed with awards, publications and job offers. The future always seems more promising than the present, and the present on graduation day is pretty good—even if it is not quite the reality.

Senior Morgan Algozine shared her thoughts of her four years at Valparaiso High School. "My senior year was the fastest, yet the best year. There were so many memories and experiences that I will keep with me forever! VHS has impacted my life and has helped me grow and learn the things I need to continue my education. I'm proud to call myself a Valpo Viking."

"We truly appreciate all the teachers, administrators, guidance counselors and staff at Valpo High School. We are confident that Hannah is prepared for college and beyond with the education she has received!" stated senior mom Erin Erwin with joyful excitement as she spoke about her daughter.

"I have learned so much through my experiences at Valparaiso High School. The teachers were great and the lessons I have learned will stay with me always. I can't believe my time is up here but I feel very prepared with what college will bring because of VHS. Thank you to everyone who helped me during my high school career," said Emily Keaton, high school senior.

Proud senior mom Jackie Algozine stated, "These past four years have all happened in a blink of an eye. It has been a wonderful experience being part of the Valparaiso School system. We have watched and hovered at times through academic and athletic challenges and hopefully all of it will have prepared Morgan for her next phase, being just as successful at Ball State University!"

Graduation is an extremely large milestone to meet and with it comes great responsibility for the graduates. It is the first time in most of their lives that they begin making life changing decisions for themselves. As I watched the graduates cross the stage to receive their diploma, I had some sobering thoughts. As I looked at all the smiling faces, I wondered what the future holds for them. Will some become doctors or dentists or even scientists? Will they choose to go on and further their education? Which ever road they choose, the future has a lot in store for the class of 2013.

Click here for more photos from the ceremony!