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Classic Concert with a Pink Theme and the Gift of Health for the Community

LaPorte-Symphony-Andrius-ZlabysCome to the concert as you are, leave changed.

The LaPorte County Symphony Orchestra welcomes guest pianist Andrius Zlabys and a special appearance by Nikia Hammonds-Blakely.

Sunday, March 4, 2012 - 3:00 p.m.
Concert Elston Performing Arts Center, 317 Detroit Street, Michigan City, IN 46360
Contact: info@LCSO.net or 219 362-9020

An afternoon of classical music begins with a world-renowned pianist performing Beethoven's serene, Concerto No. 4 and ends with the bold and heroic Symphony No. 2 by Jean Sibelius. The concert will begin with a dialogue between piano and orchestra as guest artist Andrius Zlabys brings eloquence and masterful strength to his interpretation of Beethoven's most intimate concerto. "The work has been described as achieving a sense of spiritual peace. It's a poetic and rather introspective work exploring many nuances of thought and expression," notes Maestro Bauman. "Andrius will masterfully bring out the tenderness and serenity featured in this Beethoven concerto. This is a perfect pairing of artist and composition."

Heroic on many different levels, this PINK concert is dedicated to breast cancer awareness. The orchestra is delighted to announce that those attending the concert wearing something pink will receive a special gift from Indiana University Health La Porte Hospital in the form of a coupon for a FREE routine mammogram for women and a Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening for men (certain restrictions apply). When asked about the coupon gift for concertgoers, Thor Thordarson, hospital president explained, "IU Health La Porte Hospital's mission is to improve the health of our patients and communities. Approximately 290,000 people are diagnosed with breast cancer each year in the U.S. The earlier we can detect it, the better the chance of survival. If even one life is saved as a result of the free screenings, it will be worth it."

Laporte-Symphony-Nikia-Hammonds-BlakelySinger Nikia Hammonds-Blakely will return to the orchestra stage after intermission to honor four musicians who are cancer survivors. To learn more about this remarkable spokesperson, the public is invited to hear more about her inspiring journey and experience a special performance.

Wednesday, February 29, Noon
Chapel at IU Health La Porte Hospital
Hear her story and songs of hope and healing. Bring a friend for this Free event.

To complete the Sunday afternoon concert, La Porte's orchestra will execute a bold and unconventional work, Symphony No. 2 by Sibelius. Sibelius paints a musical picture of triumph befitting the sentiment of the PINK concert. The uplifting spirit of the afternoon's music will rejuvenate patrons and send them off with a renewed sense of optimism - consider it a gift offered to the community by the La Porte County Symphony Orchestra.

Tickets are $18 for adults, $15 for seniors (65+), and students through college are free with ID. Purchase tickets at www.LCSO.net, along with these other businesses:

  • Angelo Bernacchi Greenhouses, 1010 Fox Street, LaPorte
  • LaPorte County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Marquette Mall, 4073 S Franklin St, Michigan City
  • Arturo's Baked Goods and More, 624 Wabash Street, Michigan City
  • Rohe Therapy, 5934 US Hwy 6, Portage