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CMS Students Raises Record Amount for Leukemia Society

Pennies-for-Patients-2013Chesterton Middle School raised $5660 for the Leukemia Society, a record amount placing them third in the state of Indiana for middle schools and sixth in the entire state.

Pictured are the top student fundraisers and health teacher/fundraising coordinators, front row, left to right, Hailey Vale, Alex Forsberg, Kirsten Boswell, Mitchell Davis, Maggie Gardner.

Row 2, teachers Dave Bullock and Jane Schlichting, Christian Warren, Ryan Day Josh Hogan, Amber South, Katelyn Balakir, Ellen Roach and teacher Tom Shelton.

Back row, Amelia Johnson, Jacob Waters, River Perrine, Paul Petro, Nadia Muth, Maddie Figley, Rachel Freidenberg and Eric Amling.