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Color Exhibit Explores Different Uses

Southern-Shore-Art-Color-ConceptColor is one of the great things in life and to artists it is all important. Every artist sees and uses color in a distinctive way. It is an individual choice and often very recognizable. Some artists like strong, brilliant colors; others choose subdued pastel colors or somber even monochromatic palettes. It’s still all about color.

This Exhibit “Color Concept” displays the work of some of the many talented Southern Shore Art Association Members. You will see how each artist, painter, photographer or sculptor, interprets and uses color in his or her own, unique way.

Join the artists on Friday, May 4, during the free Opening Reception at the Southern Shore Art Association Gallery from 5 – 8 pm, during the monthly "First Friday" celebration in Michigan City’s historic Uptown Arts District. Refreshments and appetizers will be served.

“Color Concept”
May 4 – May 27, 2012
Opening Reception First Friday May 4, 5-8pm
Southern Shore Art Association Gallery
724 Franklin, Michigan City, IN
Hours: First Friday 12-8pm, Fri, Sat, Sun 12-5pm

For more info, check out www.SouthernShoreArtAssociation.com.