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Come See the 2014 Blues Project

blues-project-2014Each year during Black History Month Scott Cvelbar, an 8th grade US History teacher at Benjamin Franklin Middle School, studies the Blues with his US History classes. They listen to different blues songs and delve into the struggles that African Americans faced.

Students take a closer look at the music of black America to get a more complete picture of what it meant to be black in this country throughout US history. With the help of students, staff, and some professionals, they perform the songs they've been studying and share all they've learned with the community at the end of their unit in March.

This year, the Blues Project will take place on Saturday March 15 at 7pm in the VHS auditorium. The theme is "Black & Blue: The Fight for Freedom," and they'll be performing
songs from the Civil Rights era.

Cost is $5 per person and $20 for a family.

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