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Continuously Striving to Do Better

valpo-community-schoolsWritten by Chris Fields, Principal

Much has been written and spoken in the past few months since the Indiana Department of Education announced its letter grade ranking of Indiana schools.

Benjamin Franklin Middle School was awarded an "A" grade. We are very proud of our performance to date, however, we are constantly striving to get better and provide even more opportunities to challenge the students to learn and grow as individuals. It is our passion to create a climate of excellence.

Students are supported in many ways to promote achievement for all. The teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators spend considerable time tailoring each child's schedule to address the curricular and educational needs of the individual.


Courses are designed to challenge students at their level in the core academic areas (math, English language arts, social studies, science, and world languages) as well as introduce them to a survey of the allied arts (visual art, industrial technology, family and consumer sciences, general music, and digital communications).

In addition, course offerings are available in performance music such as band, orchestra, and choir. We view the middle school years as an important transition during a time of intense social, emotional, mental and physical development and, therefore, we provide a variety of educational experiences to support and enhance student growth and development.

The advisory class has been restructured this school year to provide the support necessary to increase student academic achievement. Specific advisory classes have been created to assist students who struggle with homework and completing assignments.

Other advisory classes target students who have math and language arts needs. Each of these advisories supports the mission of the staff at Benjamin Franklin Middle, which is to meet the needs of each child.

We need your help in supporting our efforts. As a parent, get involved with your child's academic performance. Check your child's Edline updates regularly.

Ask to see your child's agenda book to monitor homework completion.

Celebrate their successes as they try to improve their academic standing. Encourage them to get involved in extracurricular activities such as athletics, clubs, or academic competition teams.

We are always looking for adult tutors to work with students during the academic day and especially in our after-school study table program. Opportunities to find out more about what is happening at Ben Franklin Middle School can be found on the school's website.

If you are a Valparaiso resident, we appreciate your continued support of the best and brightest that Valparaiso has to offer.