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Contribute Your Content to ValpoLife.com!

ValpoLife.com is a website built for the people of Valparaiso to come and learn about all of the great things going on in town. We receive content contributions from several hundred people, organizations, and businesses in the Valparaiso area.

You can become a ValpoLife contributor two ways. The first way is to become a member, then head to www.valpolife.com/contribute and send us your photos, stories, information, or anything else you want to share. The second way is to shoot us an email at contribute@valpolife.com.

Below you can see 75 of our 500+ contributors. By clicking on their links, you can go and see all of the articles they contributed. The full contributor list can be seen by visiting www.valpolife.com/contributors.

What are you waiting for? Do you have a blog? Is your kid on a soccer team or in a musical program? As long as it is positive, we want to hear about it! Start contributing today!