Home»Entertainment»Arts»Cooks Corners Fine Arts Showcase: The Wonderful World Around Us

Cooks Corners Fine Arts Showcase: The Wonderful World Around Us

Wonderful-World-Around-UsDuring this year's Scholastic book fair, March 12-17, 2012, Cooks Corners will be showcasing the artistic contributions of their students in the fields of photography, writing, and art. There will be winners for each grade for each category, and prizes for winners and all participants.

Volunteers are needed to help set up the works of art for showcasing during the book fair. We will need help after school on Friday, March 16. We can also use some help during the week before to get participation awards and certificates ready.

If you have some time to spare for the art show, please feel free to contact Trish Acton (actondesign@comcast.net) or Luci Brooks (242-9334). We encourage all students to submit a piece or art or short literary work that you can take home with you after the art show.