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Cops For A Cure Team Walks in Susan G. Komen 3 Day For a Cure

On August 6-8 the Porter County Sheriff’s Department had a team of 4 walk in the Susan G. Komen 3 Day for a Cure in Chicago, IL. Opening-day The team walked 60 miles in 3 days and raised over $15,000 that went directly to the Susan G. Komen for a Cure.

We walked for those who had lost someone to breast cancer, we walked for those who couldn’t walk. We walked, because we couldn’t walk away,” stated Tristan Kehle, Captain of the PCSD Cops for a Cure team.  The team logged a few hundred miles in training and hosted several fundraisers as well as asking local businesses for support.

Sheriff David Lain offered support by donating as well as purchasing the team’s shirts, sweatshirts and hats.  “Our community never ceases to amaze me with it’s constant support and generosity,” said Lain.

For more information and photos of  the PCSD-Cops for a Cure 3 Day , visit their website at www.portercountysheriff.com in the “What’s Happening” section or call their office at 219.477.3112.Day-2-before-we-head-out