Home»Other»Cover Crops Field Day at Kouts, March 25, 2013

Cover Crops Field Day at Kouts, March 25, 2013

Purdue-ExtensionA field day will be sponsored by Porter County SWCD and Purdue Extension – Porter County on Monday, March 25, to share information and demonstrate the benefits of using cover crops in cropping systems. The field day will start at 9:30 a.m. CDT at the Hopewell Mennonite Fellowship Hall located at 805 North Main Street, Kouts (on the west side of SR 49 about ½ mile north of SR 8 or ½ mile south of CR 700 S).

The day will feature information on cover crop management to improve soil health by Dale Mutch, Michigan State Extension, and Dan Perkins, Jasper County SWCD. A panel to discuss effective use of cover crops will also include Joe Cuson, La Porte County, and Matt Lechlitner, Frick Services, Wyatt.

Weather permitting, a tour of nearby farm fields planted to cover crops will take place to look at plant top growth. Pits will be dug to look at root growth and cover crop impacts on soil quality.

Private Applicator Recertification Program (PARP) credit is available for those attending the field day; applicators are asked to bring their PA license and a $10 PARP fee with them. Credit is also available for commercial applicators and Certified Crop Advisers.

A registration brochure is available at www.ag.purdue.edu/counties/laporte; those interested may also call Porter County SWCD at 219-462-7515 Ext. 4 or email michelle.benson@in.nacdnet.net to register.