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COVID-19 property protection and preparedness from your Latitude Commercial property manager

COVID-19 property protection and preparedness from your Latitude Commercial property manager

Please contact relevant health authorities for medical/public health advice.

Latitude Commercial is not providing such advice.

The materials and information referenced are provided for general and informational purposes only. They are not offered as, and do not constitute, legal advice or legal opinions.

Our job right now as a commercial property management company is to help educate, help equip, and help support our country’s pandemic prevention plan at the properties we manage. Education is the crucial first step. It is being talked about on every news channel and there are myriad articles on the do’s and don’ts of coronavirus prevention. For additional information, please visit the CDC website or the White House website.

How can we protect ourselves?

  • Regularly and thoroughly wash and sanitize your hands.
  • Maintain six (6) feet of distance with others when possible.
  • Avoid touching your mouth, eyes and nose.
  • Cover your mouth with bent elbow or tissue when coughing.
  • Stay home as much as possible especially if you’re unwell.

How should we prepare employees and tenants for the coronavirus?

  • Remind everyone of the CDC and White House guidelines linked.
  • Equip common areas with extra hand sanitizer, soap and cleaning supplies as well as request increased cleaning detail from the cleaning companies.
  • Stay abreast of new developments in the spread and prevention of the disease.
  • Give your landlord and management company notice if an employee is infected or is suspected of having been exposed to the coronavirus.
  • Prepare to work from home as much as possible.

What do we do if a tenant has a suspected or confirmed case of the virus?

  • Notify all other tenants of the suspected or confirmed infection without giving too much detail (think privacy laws). Clear communication is crucial.
  • Notify vendors who have worked on site in the last two weeks.
  • Contract for special disinfectant cleaning.

We are taking as many precautions as possible as a property management company and we also know we are in a service industry and must be prepared to continue to provide the services our clients are depending on. It’s hard to know what the future holds but please let us know what we can do to help! Stay safe and let’s stick together (just not within 6 feet)!


Latitude Commercial Property Management

Latitude Commercial provides commercial real estate services such as purchasing, leasing, landlord representationtenant representation, and property management throughout Northwest Indiana and the Chicago Suburbs. To find out how we can help you find a new home for your business, call us today at (219) 864-0200.