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Crash Course on 21st Century Drugs

family-youth-services-bureau-logoThe Family & Youth Services Bureau presents a Family Life Series Workshop, titled “Crash Course on 21st Century Drugs” held on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 from 6:00 to 7:30 pm, at the FYSB downtown Valparaiso office at 253 W. Lincolnway, Valparaiso.

The workshop is led by Michelle Volk, President and CEO of Great Lake Labs. She holds a B.A. in Political Science and Criminology from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. Michelle has been involved in the field of forensics for over 28 years. Her responsibilities at Great Lakes Labs are all encompassing, including full management of company resources and strategic vision for the future of the organization. She has a passion for her work and is committed to creating a positive culture of an empowered, engaged workforce.

Michelle plays a very active role in the community's effort to fight against drug use and abuse. She is passionate that education is a key factor in providing the tools for others to be effective in their efforts as well. Through frequent presentations to probation departments, correctional centers, rehabilitation facilities, schools and private industries, Michelle shares the most recent research and trends in testing and identification.

Issues presented and discussed will be: Drug Trends in our Community; Licit and Illicit Drug Use (Prescription and Illegal); Synthetic Drug Use—In with the new, out with the old; Physical Signs and Symptoms of Drug Use; and What to look for in a teen's backpack, bedroom (it's not what it appears).

The workshop is free and open to all community members. Seating is limited; please RSVP with your name and contact information by Monday, January 14 to 219-464-9585 or to kunderwood@fysb.org.

The Family & Youth Services Bureau has been providing an opportunity for families and kids to create a new, responsible path for their lives since 1972. Offering seventeen different programs and services, the agency has over 20,000 contacts per year with more than 3,500 clients throughout Porter County.

For more general information about the agency, information about volunteering, or to make a tax-deductible donation to the Family & Youth Services Bureau, call 219-464-9585 or visit www.fysb.org.