Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»Crown Point Fire Rescue Shares Safety Tips Ahead of Fourth of July

Crown Point Fire Rescue Shares Safety Tips Ahead of Fourth of July

Crown Point Fire Rescue Shares Safety Tips Ahead of Fourth of July

While patriotic, fireworks can spark fire and serious injury. Have a fun and safe  Fourth of July weekend by following these safety tips from Crown Point Fire Rescue and the State of  Indiana.  

In 2021, 11,500 people were treated in emergency rooms for fireworks injuries, according to the  United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. Since 2006, fireworks injuries have increased by 25%, with 74% of fireworks injuries occurring on or around the Fourth of July.  

Celebrate safely this year by:  

• Following local laws. The City of Crown Point allows fireworks between 5 p.m. and two hours  after sunset on June 29 and 30, July 1 through July 3 and July 5 through July 9, as well as  between 10 a.m. and midnight on the Fourth of July. (Chapter 91.31 of the Crown Point Code  of Ordinances).  

• Storing and using fireworks away from children. 

• Keeping a fire extinguisher, a bucket of water or a garden hose nearby in case of a fire. • Soaking items with water thoroughly before discarding them. 

• Buying the right fireworks — avoid fireworks wrapped in brown paper and items in boxes  without markings, as they may be illegal for consumers.  

• Supervising children using sparklers, which burn at high temperatures and can cause major  burn injuries.  

• Recent dry conditions have left a high risk for fires, do not shoot fireworks in grass, brush or  wooded areas.  

“As we look to celebrate the Fourth of July this weekend, it is important the community exercises  extreme caution when storing/using consumer fireworks,” Assistant Fire Chief Ryan Cusack said. “In  the event of an emergency, dial 911 right away.”  

“Residents should call our non-emergency line (219-660-0000) to report fireworks complaints,” Police  Chief Ryan S. Patrick said. “We need to keep our emergency lines open in the event someone needs to  call 911 to report emergencies like fires, car crashes, medical problems or any in-progress crimes.”