Home»Entertainment»Cuisine»Dangerous Divas to hold July 4th Bake Sale to Benefit Relay for Life of Duneland

Dangerous Divas to hold July 4th Bake Sale to Benefit Relay for Life of Duneland

Dangerous-Divas-RFL-bake-saleDangerous Divas, a team for this year's American Cancer Society's Relay for Life of Duneland, will host a bake sale during the Family 4th Fest on Thursday, July 4 at Hawthorne Park in Porter. The team has coordinated with the Chesterton Lions Club to have their delicious baked goods available during the annual pancake breakfast and turtle derby the morning.

Dangerous Divas was formed by Kylee Donnella, who lost her “Nana” to cancer. She decided to form a team to honor her. After talking to her friends about forming a team, she realized that being 12 years old doesn’t make you immune to cancer. Lots of Kylee’s friends had mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends who have fought cancer. Her team is a group of 12 to 13 year old girls committed to giving cancer a run for its money.

Please come out an support Kylee’s team as all proceeds will benefit the Relay for Life of Duneland, which will be held from noon to 6 a.m. July 13-14 at Chesterton Middle School, 651 W. Morgan Ave. For more information about this year’s relay, please visit www.relayforlife.org/dunelandin.