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Dannah Gresh’s Secret Keeper Girl LIVE!

Secret-Keepers-Banner-smallImagine moms and their tweens giggling and having fun while they dig deeply into God's truth to talk about modesty. Think that's impossible? Think again! Secret Keeper Girl, Dannah Gresh's fun mom/daughter connection resources have gone "live" with an all new pajama party them! (Can you wear yours to the event? Sure!)

Secret Keeper Girl Live explores the fashion of famous TV moms and we'll showcase some of their strangest looks! The moms will love the look back and the daughters will get a good dose of truth about peer pressure. That leads us right into plucking some precious daughters out of the audience to dress them in today's hottest fashions, but with a special requirement. Every outift has to pass our "Truth or Bare" Fashion Tests.

For Moms & Daughters {ages 8-12 yrs}
Tickets $12 in advance, $15 at the door

Saturday, March 5, 2011
6:30-8:45 pm
Liberty Bible Church, 824 N. Calumet Avenue, Chesterton, IN 46304

For more information, call (219) 926-3038