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Deep Cuts: The Revolution Will Not Be Tweet-a-Vised

Deepcuts12For the past week my Facebook feed has been flooded with talks of a revolution. A certain political candidate sparked a number of these posts while the unfortunate passing of Muhammad Ali generated conversations on a man who talked of war between the ropes, and fought for peace outside of them.

It’s quite evident, we all want a lot of things to change, but talking about change and actually being the change...that, well, changes everything.

Maybe your “change” isn’t something large, or even revolutionary. Maybe it’s you just want to be a better you than you were today. Maybe it’s to do one thing every day you would normally be too scared to do.

Whatever it is, it won’t change if you don’t change.

Take these next couple days to go one step further than tweeting or posting about a cause, go experience it. Take one step outside of your safe zone and try something new; take care of something you have been putting off for all this time; tell someone yes, tell someone no, tell someone how you really feel and make a difference in their life.

In other words, I challenge you this week to do something for a cause; for a change; or do it simply because you haven’t done it before. Right now, whatever link you’re about to share on Facebook, put it down and go outside and do something positive that will turn you into our next GOOD news story on #TuesdayGoodNewsDay.

Need an idea of how you can make a difference this weekend?

Help families and kids at Chalk the Walk.

Take action at Relay for Life in La Porte or Portage.

Find your soul and yourself, celebrate National Get Outdoors Day by exploring nature.

Pretty simple task this weekend: start your revolution…

Happy changin’. Happy Shreddin', by the way too.

Deep Cuts, out.