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Disney Institute – The Silver Platter

I really wanted to attend a Disney Institute workshop so I added it to my vision board. Locating the D.I. website was easy enough, deciding on which course was not so easy. disney-instituteMy dilemma was two-fold: justifying the cost and which course would have the biggest impact on my business.

The 5 courses….

  • Leadership Excellence, (sure I would like to be a better leader)
  • People Management, (yep, this one would be very helpful)
  • Quality Service, (sure, essential for all businesses)
  • Organizational Creativity, (this one peaked my interest)
  • Customer Loyalty, (definitely important)

For the next two years I watched the course schedules, but failed to get off dead center. You see, I was probably only going to be able to afford one class, so I needed to be sure I was making the right choice.

And then in early 2008 an unexpected email arrived with my silver platter. For the first time ever The Disney Institute was offering a 5-day program with all 5 courses, in Orlando.

My heart was racing, it was now or never. Could I afford it, could I leave work and did my husband have time to go along?

Disney designed this one just for me, well maybe not just for me but it sure felt like it. Decision made – I was going! I was moving this one to the completed side of my vision board(two years later)!