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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebrated and Honored Throughout VCS

From Superintendent Andrew Melin, Ph.D. VCS Weekly Newsletter for the Week of January 17, 2011: valpo-community-schools

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebrated and honored throughout VCS

VCS has numerous activities planned at all of its buildings today to celebrate and honor one of America’s greatest leaders, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Students will listen to Dr. King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech, learn the history of the civil rights’ movement, and discuss Dr. King’s philosophy of non-violent resistance. A list of some highlights occurring at each of our schools is listed in this newsletter.

It is important for students to understand Dr. King’s tremendous influence and sacrifice that changed our country’s thinking on race relationships. As a result of Dr. King’s commitment and passion, all Americans, regardless of their individual differences, better understand and value the importance of treating others with respect and compassion.

In our VCS Strategic Plan, one of our two student achievement goals is, “Each student will be a contributing citizen in our democratic society.” One action step that is part of that goal is to “create an intentionally embedded environment that supports and encourages moral and social character. Moral character is defined as what is just, honest, fair, noble, or true, while social character is the outward appearance of moral character such as respect, responsibility, and service-leadership. We will strive to embed moral and social character through a wide array of extra-curricular activities, by providing community-based apprenticeships, internships, or projects, by using active learning strategies such as cooperative learning and project-based learning in classes, and by welcoming families as partners in their children’s education. Embedding moral and social character throughout every academic and extra-curricular student endeavor is an effort supported by our educational staff, our parents, and our community. Dr. King would be proud of our community’s effort and commitment to produce intelligent and compassionate students.

Important Dates:

  • January 17 School Board Meeting
  • January 18 End of Semester
  • January 19 Records Day (No School)
  • January 20 Start of 2nd Semester

VCS News

MLK Student Event Highlight

Flint Lake
“I Have a Dream” Speech, multicultural writing activity

Announcements, classroom activities

Read-alouds, classroom activities, MLK video, student poetry

Cooks Corners
Classroom Activities

Readers’ Theater, write letters to Dr. King, MLK Booklet

“Freedom Tea,” students giving “Peace Prizes” to other students

Hayes Leonard
Reading, discussion, writing, videos on MLK and other historical figures in the civil rights movement

Reading diversity-based books, discussion on segregation and passive resistance

Discussions on civil disobedience, civil rights, and poetry inspired by Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech

Presentation on the legacy of Dr. King, art projects dedicated to Dr. King’s dream