The Duneland School Corporation (DSC) is excited to make technology an active part of teaching and learning in the district through a 1:1 digital device initiative. One-to-one computing, also referred to as "1:1", allows each enrolled student to use an electronic device in order to access the Internet, digital course materials, and digital textbooks. The devices will help schools engage the digital generation by nurturing individual 1:1 learning experiences and enhance opportunities for learning with individual portable computers.
Due to this initiative, all students in grades Kindergarten through 10 will receive a DSC device. Children in grades K-8 will receive iPads and students in grades 9-10 received Windows laptops. Students in grades 11 and 12 have the option of using a school-issued device or bringing their own device.
By providing a device to students, school personnel have a unique opportunity to offer students a twenty-first century learning experience while also recapturing the professional development time for staff that has been lost due to state mandates. Teachers and staff will be creating instructional content for students while learning how to better serve our community and students through eLearning days. These eLearning days, which have been incorporated into the school calendar this year, will help students prepare for their future as we embrace technology and move toward innovative teaching and learning.
The eLearning days are scheduled for September 11, October 17, November 6, December 12, April 3, and May 7. Teachers will be in attendance at school on all six (6) scheduled eLearning days and will be available online to assist students with their lessons during specific time frames that will be communicated to the students.
On the eLearning days scheduled on September 11 and October 17, parents will have the choice to send their children to school or allow them to complete any class work digitally from home. Students who do attend school will also take part in eLearning and will have the opportunity of working with school staff in order to ensure they are comfortable with the eLearning day process. Transportation, food services, and any other Duneland services will operate normally for any who decide to send their students to school.
Schools will be closed for the eLearning days scheduled on November 6, December 12, April 3 and May 7. On these days students will receive their assignments and coursework through digital methods. eLearning days may also be added in response to inclement weather.
In preparation of the first eLearning day in September, the Technology Department has been going to all of the Duneland Schools to help distribute devices to students in grades Kindergarten through 8. Students in grades 9 and 10 have already picked up their devices and students in grades 11 and 12, who are not bringing their own device will be issue a device on or before Labor Day.
The technology integration specialists have been providing professional development to the teachers to prepare them for the eLearning days for the last two years. Prior to the eLearning days, teachers will work with their students to ensure that they are adequately prepared for the upcoming eLearning days and will review eLearning day procedures and classroom expectations. Teachers will be available online during the eLearning day to answer questions or clarify assignments. Teachers will communicate specific office hours within the assignment. During office hours, teachers should be actively communicating with students and parents. Parents and students are encouraged to email and/or communicate with teachers via Canvas.
The Technology Department is preparing a video about eLearning days that will be available on the DSC website soon.