Bailly Elementary Reveals One School One Book
Last week Bailly Elementary revealed this year’s One School One Book selection, Almost Super, by author Marion Jensen. Talk show host Harvey Bolt (aka Principal Kevin Zeck) of Hero Up! Harvey Bolt entered the Cafeteria dancing with outlandish antics that got his students and staff laughing and all fired-up for the big reveal. A skit including the Benny and Rafter Bailey (aka teachers Cathy Roles and Sarah Holloway) for everyone to enjoy. Following the skit and the reveal all the students were told that their very own copy of the book awaited them on their classroom chairs.
Drug Abuse Prevention Program
Former Indiana University basketball player Todd Jadlow was the guest speaker at the Drug Prevention & Outreach Program hosted by Chesterton High School and Hilltop30 Publishers at the school last evening. The outreach program was held in hopes of informing students, parents and community members about addiction throughout the Duneland and Porter County areas. Jadlow spoke candidly about his personal journey from adolescence to now and his road to recovery. In addition to the presentation, many community support organizations where on-hand with information tables outside the CHS Auditorium. Those organization that were on hand to answer question were Frontline Foundations, Inc., Porter Starke Services, Dr. Mann Spitler, Heartland Recovery Center and the Duneland YMCA. A special thank you was noted for community member Cliff Fleming for bringing Todd's story to the Duneland area in hopes of helping today's youth to turn away from drugs and alcohol by making them more aware of the substance abuse issues.
CHS Merit Semifinalists
Last week, Chesterton High School announced that six of its seniors were 2018 National Merit Scholarship semifinalists. These students have completed the first step in the competition for some 7,500 Merit Scholarships, worth more than $32 million, to be offered next spring. Semifinalists are, front, left to right, Kristina Stevenson, Nolan Poczekay, Raymond "CJ" Connors, Tristan Dooley, Karlyn Layman, Bryan Pamintuan, pictured with Principal Jeff VanDrie.
Civil War Camp
The CHS Social Studies teachers host a Civil War camp each year for the U.S. History classes to learn about the Civil War through a living history style of presentation and education. Thirteen years ago, the initial cost to make the camp was originally funded through a grant from the Duneland Foundation. Over a two-day period, all US History classes visit three stations in the camp and rotate every 20 minutes. Students learned about the Union and Confederate camps, clothing and equipment, battle tactics, food and medicine. Pictured is Social Studies teacher Robert DeRuntz teaching the students the correct order of loading the Civil War musket. (Duneland Schools photo by Bridget Martinson)
Chesterton High School Social Studies teacher Anna Zervos describes Civil War food and medicine. The teachers cooked salt pork and a stew over the fire for the students and also had hard tack crackers for the students to eat.