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Duneland Y Honors Staff and Volunteers

On Tuesday, January 15th the Duneland Family YMCA held its Annual Recognition dinner at Sand Creek Country Club to thank staff and volunteers for making 2012 a success.

Over 130 people filled the room while celebrating the end of a successful year and welcoming the year to come. The evening began with saying goodbye to exiting board members and welcoming the incoming board members through a formal installation.

Vickii Brock and Tom Roberts were presented with awards of appreciation for their service as board members. While they are stepping down as board members they plan to continue their involvement in the Y as committee members.

Bob Welsh had the pleasure of installing Christy Jarka, Adam Easter, Gregg Mohoi, and Bryan Woodruff to the Duneland Family YMCA Board of Directors. They will be joining returning board members Mike Babcock, Jane Delligatti, Rich Gardner, Bonnie Gaston, Kristen Jackson, Dr. Nicky Jackson, Tricia Lahey, Janna Mullen, Pam Strudas, Mike Sutter, and Laurie Wehner-Evans.

The 2013 officers include Laurie Wehner-Evans as President, Janna Mullen as Past President, Kristen Jackson as Secretary, and Mike Babcock as Treasurer.

The Board of Directors of the YMCA are volunteers who assist in financial development and policy making. Volunteers of the Y are the backbone of this organization and are a support system for staff.

Luella DeWulf received Volunteer of the Year Award for her continued involvement in the Y and her participation at the 2012 Dancing Like the Stars Event.

Tristen Comegys, Marketing Coordinator, received the 2012 Employee of the Year Award.

Each year, the directors and coordinators at the Y choose recipients for the Extra Mile Award which is awarded to those employees and volunteers who have gone above and beyond their call of duty. The recipients of the 2012 Extra Mile Award include Fred Barbian, Penny Bigger, Kay Colon, Victoria Comegys, Amber Erazo, Melissa Griffith, Caitlyn Hasek, Emily Hoge, Sarah Hrunek, Lauren Hunt, Terri Lagenour, Trina Quinn, Jeannette Sosnowski, Kayla Pomeroy, Suzanne Radzik, Vicky Stevers, Justin Wallar, Melissa Webb, and Tim Welsh.

The Duneland Family YMCA is a United Way of Porter County Partner Agency and is located at 215 Roosevelt Street in Chesterton. For information about this organization please visit www.DunelandYMCA.org.


  • Tristen Comegys, Marketing Coordinator receives the 2012 Employee of the Year Award from Kym Groceman, Duneland Y Executive Director.
  • Janna Mullen, exiting President receives an award for her service from incoming President Laurie Wehner-Evans.
  • Gregg Mohoi, Christy Jarka, Bryan Woodruff, and Adam Easter are welcomed to the 2013 Duneland Family YMCA Board of Directors.
  • Tom Roberts and Vickii Brock are thanked for their years of service as Duneland Family YMCA Board Members.