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Easter Cupcakes

Welcome! It’s another 2-for-1 Day! Cupcake Tuesday and Spring Hop Party!

If you missed out last week, let me quickly re-cap our week. Diane started the week off with her beautiful Rose Cupcake Bouquet and Chick Macaroons, then I shared my Easter Egg Cupcakes, egg shaped cut-out sugar cookies on top of cupcakes, it’s a 2-for-1 deal, then Shelley added her adorable bunny and chick suckers, that she made from Oreos. Janet shared her amazing Easter cookies with us. And Cindy added her darling Spring Flower Basket cupcakes. Each day there was also an awesome giveaway, check them out!

Yesterday, Amanda shared her beautiful Easter Egg Cake, with a special surprise inside. And she’s offering $60 cash for her giveaway. Tomorrow, Shelly from Cookies & Cups with finish up our party. That’s 8 days of sugar bliss, my friends!

I couldn’t let Easter go by without sharing some fun Easter cupcakes with you.

Aren’t they just the cutest ever? Let me share with you how easy they were, and how I learned a little lesson along the way too.

~The Easter Bunnies

I started with a Vanilla Cupcake, frosted with Buttercream Frosting that I tinted light pink, then piped on his white face. For the ears, cut a large marshmallow in half and dip in pink colored sugar. For the face, I used, mini M&M’s, an upside heart sprinkle, chocolate sprinkles and 1 piece of gum cut in half.

~The Chicks

Again, I used a Vanilla Cupcakes, tinted Buttercream Frosting yellow, then using a Wilton #3 or #4 tip, I piped on the hair feathers in white, the eyes in blue and the beak and feet in orange. My inspiration for the chicks came from Paris Pastry Blog.

~Peeps Nest

Well…these turned out good in my head, but they were a #fail. On Sunday afternoon, I spent probably about an hour trying to figure out how to form these nests out of Cotton Candy, I added the Peep chick on a toothpick, so he would stand up a little (my husband’s idea actually) and added some candy eggs. They turned out really cute…then…

A couple hours later, I went back to the frig for a snack, and AHH! The Cotton Candy had hardened and melted right into the cupcake and frosting. I tried them again, Monday morning, that’s where the picture at the top came from. And again, they were cute for awhile, but didn’t last. My suggestion to you, if you would like to try them, serve them closely after making them. They are really cute, if they don’t sit.

But…the bunnies and chicks are still cute.

And aren’t they cute tucked into my Easter Mantle? Maybe an Easter Cupcake hunt instead of an Easter Egg hunt!