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Easy-to-Learn Parenting Solutions That Work

PAT-Disciplining-1Disciplining young children is often the hardest thing a parent has to do!

Join us for a special parenting seminar featuring the concepts of 123 Magic. This simple, yet powerful approach to disciplining kids has won rave reviews from parents, educators and professionals alike. Kids are just kids! In addition to being delightful, charming and affectionate, children can also present their adult caretakers with a steady diet of difficult behavior: whining, arguing, teasing, fighting, yelling, tantrums and pouting. The 123 Magic program is designed to bring practical, easy-to-use discipline techniques to families and educators.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
6:30 pm
Indiana Dunes Visitor Center
Located on 49 just north of Oak Hill Road in Chesterton

Nancy has 30 years of experience, was the Home-School Coordinator for Hobart Schools for 16 years, and is a certified Active Parenting Leader. She presents to teachers and parents on topics such as discipline techniques, personality types, and brain development. She was named Indiana School Psychologist of the year in 1990.

PAT-Disciplining-2Also Featuring: HEATHER NOVAK
Heather describes herself as a tragically un- hip mama, inspiring speaker, distracted writer, radio personality and occasional runner. In her past life she was a sales and service trainer and consultant. Now she stays home most of the time with her two daughters three year old Portia and one year old Libby and thanks God for her own personal Prince Charming husband John. Heather does her best to live her love out loud and enjoys encouraging others.

Register today at www.patpc.org.

Hosted by Parents as Teachers of Porter County.