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Elvis & the Magic ISTEP+ Tree House

Please join us as Parkview Elementary shares the production of “Elvis & the Magic ISTEP+ Tree House” on Friday, February 25, 2011 at 2:30 PM.

Teacher, author, playwright, Greg Karas has created yet another entertaining and motivational skit for the students of Parkview Elementary as they prepare for the 2001 ISTEP+. All Parkview Teachers and Staff Members will be dressed in costumes and singing:

“Oh Please Sleep Well” (to the tune of “Heartbreak Hotel”),
“Eat a Good Breakfast” (to the tune of “Don’t be Cruel”),
“Long Black Lines” (to the tune of “Blue Suede Shoes”),
“You Ain’t Nothin’ But a Smart Kid” ( to the tune of “Hound Dog”)
and “Proofread House Rock” (to the tune of “Jail House Rock”).

Please join us! RSVP to Cheryl Clifford @ 219-531-3110 or awodetzki@mail.valpo.k12.in.us.