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EPCSC #1 In County, #4 In State

Written by Rik Ihssen, Principal washington-township-logo

The Center for American Progress examined the relationship between school spending and achievement. They looked at every school corporation in the nation and ranked each in terms of it's educational value - what kind of educational investment return the taxpayer received for their tax dollars spent. It looked at test scores for the 2007-08 school year and how much money was spent per pupil, while also figuring in cost-of-living and poverty rates. Corporations were then ranked in 5 categories for relative educational value. East Porter County School Corporation was ranked the highest in educational value out of all 7 corporations in Porter County and one of the top 10 in the state. Our achievement index of 85 (% of students passing both Reading and Math on ISTEP tests - highest with Union Twp.) was paired with our dollars per pupil spent ($6,741 - only Portage was lower) to determine the final ranking. The bottom line - we do a great job with fewer tax dollars!

More Good News...

I recently found out that, on overall passing rates for ISTEP last year, our school corporation tied for 4th highest score out of over 300 corporations in the state!

If you want to see the full report go to: www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/01/educational_productivity