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Fall Symposium Coming to Brincka Cross Gardens

Brincka-Cross-Gardens-BarnPorter County Parks and Recreation offers a variety of programs at Brincka Cross Gardens throughout the year. The property, located at 427 E. Furness Road in Pine Township, features everything from art to gardening to wellness classes.

People will have the chance to experience many of these offerings on Saturday, Oct. 20, during the Brincka Cross Gardens Fall Symposium. The event will feature garden tours, pruning and plant division workshops, a painting class and container garden demonstrations. It will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and costs just $5 per person.

Recreation Supervisor Gayle O’Connor said the main goal of the symposium is to highlight the diversity of the park.

Brincka Cross Gardens in one of the most unique parks in Northwest Indiana,” she said. “We want to make sure that people get a chance to experience and learn about the many elements that make it such an exceptional property.”

The garden tours and plant-dividing workshops will be led by Horticulturalist Matt Brown, the pruning classes will be presented by Horticulture Consultant Jim Hitz, the beginner decorative painting class will be led by instructor Shirley Massey, and the container garden demonstrations will be presented by Purdue Extension Porter County. All of these programs will be ongoing throughout the four-hour event.

Brincka Cross Gardens is the perfect spot for gardeners and artists of all ages and ability levels to come out and enjoy nature,” O’Connor said. “This symposium will give people an idea of the many different programs available to them here.

For more information on the Brincka Cross Gardens Fall Symposium, or to register, call 219-465-3586 or e-mail goconnor@gmail.com.

About Porter County Parks and Recreation
The mission of the Porter County Parks and Recreation Board and Department is to preserve, protect and manage the natural, cultural and recreational resources within a diverse park system. For more information, call 219-465-3586, e-mail mpera@porterco.org, or visit www.portercountyparks.org.