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Favorite Springtime Things to do in Valpo

As the weather is getting warmer, Scott Swinford, who put together the Valparaiso, Indiana Facebook fan page, asked the residents of Valpo "49er-drive-inWhat is your favorite thing to do in Valpo during the spring? Anything unusual or a little off the beaten path?" Here are some of the fun things folks came up with:

Jessica Freitag
Feed the ducks at Lakewood!

Moe Khatib
I love Rogers Lakewood :)

Kristy Walker-Marasco
Going to Pat's Ice Cream Parlor! Yum

Shirley Bober
Walking at the old fair grounds!

Denise Miley
Take the kids to the old fairgrounds to play and walk around. Just to be outside in the warm weather is the best! Ice cream is good too!

Perry Stone
Going to the 49er Drive Inn, sit out under the stars, and watch two good movies at a great price:)

Lisa Rosado
The old fair grounds is good and so is Roger's Lakewood park and the 49er drive in also love Ogden park

Karen Kelly
I love to ride around and look at nature....anybody checked out the beautiful Bradford pear trees at Harris Bank on the corner of Calumet and Country Club??

Keli Richmond Haas
I miss the fairgrounds and the 49er!! :-(

Sara Jean Carter
I love to take my son to Ogden Gardens and let him wander around and look at the wildlife and flowers. :)

Lindsey Camp
Going to the park at my son's school with family and friends. We love to play basketball and swing on the swings. But the best is the 49er. We are sure gonna miss it when we move to Florida.

Bev Hanlon
I remembering walking the Forest Park neighborhood. Flowers blooming, kids playing, trees budding ... I had such a sense of having a place to call home. Since leaving Valpo, I tell people about this amazing small town that so many love and hold dear.

Denise Miley
Definitely cannot forget the 49er!!!!!!

Neil Blackman
The fairgrounds and the 49er.

Chris Crohan
What about the obvious, the heart and soul of Valpo....Valplayso...never too old for that!

David 'Decrion' Benson
I like to open a window

Mello Freako
I live in Arizona now but I used to go to Lake Michigan, take a nice ride, walk at a park, play softball, 49er or anything else that involves being near an open window or in the wide open...:)

Ellen Geiss Kumar
We used to go looking for tadpoles and other insects at a pond, now long gone, that was over near the corner of Glendale and Monticello.

Lia Kueck
I wish I could transplant sunset hill farm to California so I could run the fields and trails and hills like I did for Valpo cross country. Amazing place to run!

Brandon Oelling
Being over-served at Duffy's.

Toni Karshner
Going to the 49er with some dinner and pop corn and my sweetie at my side. What a great evening!

Mike Sutton
Fishing at one of the Valpo Lakes, we are blessed with several good lakes. Go Fish!!

Becky Sue Kreiger
Since I have only been back a short time...The possibilities are endless. And I'm sure there are plenty of things I don't even know about - since I was gone for 10 years...

Daniel VanderWoude
I like to go running through fields of pretty flowers, singing "the hills are alive, with the......". Wait a minute, that sounds lame. I like to do manly things like plant a garden. Err, wait. I mean, I like to cook meat on the grill!

Cassandra Kwell
Go to the 49er, walk my dogs through downtown and look into the shops, bonfires, and of course Lake Michigan is where I'll be most of the summer! :)

Cindy Watson
Ogden Gardens!

Jay Smith
Skip class at VU and head to the Dunes.

Chelsea Schroeder
The drive-in is definitely my favorite! I can’t wait til it opens! Load up on junk food and great friends and it’s an amazing place :)

Krissy Johnson Tincher
I use to love going to Hannon's. I sure miss that place.

Melissa Wayte Osika
Walk the paths in Ogden Gardens.

Ron 'n Pat Rhew
Swing on a swing at one of our beautiful Valpo parks!

Jeff Brown
My favorite thing to do in the spring is to move and I only use Two Men and a Truck. (Shameless plug, huh?)

Marie Reynolds
Going to Sunset Hill Farm, walking through the cemeteries, riding bikes around town, walking through VU campus, my alma mater. Remembering all the "old spots" like Harveys, Varsity Grill, The Record Store, Elusive Butterfly, and Lords.

Bonnie Thomas Jarrett
The Soap Box Derby was always fun!!!

Bernard Autenrieth
Loved the parks and the 49'r drive-in

Thanks to everyone who submitted great ideas! Visit the Valparaiso, Indiana Facebook page here!