“We’re a family business and it’s nice to have another part of the family here at work,” said Monica Clark, Flanagin’s Bulk Mail Sevice.
After the loss of their first office cat, the family-owned business felt there was a void that needed to be filled. With much love to give, Clark and her daughters visited the Independent Cat Society looking for a new office companion when they found Blaze. Clark quickly became fond of the new addition and decided to take Blaze home to love as her very own.
“I saw how great of a cat he was and brought him home with me,” said Clark. “I love him so much and by far is the best cat I’ve ever had.”
Still looking to fill the office position, Clark and her daughters returned to Independent Cat Society when they met Petey.
“He had been there for five years when he ran to the door and started meowing,” Clark explained. “We knew he was the cat for our team so we decided to bring him to the office.”
Office pets and pet-friendly workplaces have become increasingly more popular in today’s business climate with companies like Amazon and Google embracing the movement. Many people find they spend more time at work than at home and are open to possibilities to help the day go by. There are many benefits to adding a four-legged member to the crew such as increased productivity, builds camaraderie and helps reduce stress.
“ “I’m here longer than I am at my home and his calming presence helps with more stressful days,” Clark explained.
“Flanagin’s encourages other businesses to consider adding an animal to their team.
“It’s something people don’t think about but you’re at your office for a long time,” Clark said. “I spend more time with Petey at the office than I do with my cat at home, and it provides another home for an animal in need.”
“Since 1994, Flanagin's Bulk Mail Service has been committed to providing first class service with first-rate savings. For more information, visit www.mybulkmail.com.