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Flickr Fun and Contest!

As a photo major, I am often inspired by the work of other photographers. There is so much talent and so many different ideas out there. So last spring when I stumbled across a friend’s Facebook note that involved answering questions via photos found on Flickr, I jumped at the opportunity to do it myself. Or I was just bored. Either way, it was fun and the results were entertaining and humorous. The game goes a little something like this:

The rules:
a.) Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr search

b.) Using ONLY the first page, pick an image
c.) Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into Mosaic Maker. Change rows to 4 and columns to 4
d.) Save the image

The questions:
1. What is your last name?
2. What is the name of a favorite song of yours?
3. What is your favorite holiday?
4. Name of a favorite book?
5. What is something you’re afraid of?
6. What is something you look for in a significant other?
7. What is a talent of yours?
8. What is the name of someone who loves you?
9. What is one of your favorite words?
10. What language would you like to learn?
11. What is the name of one of your heroes?
12. What do you wish you were doing right now?
13. What is your favorite fruit or vegetable?
14. What city were you officially born in?
15. What is a favorite animal of yours?
16. How might your friends describe you?

Now for your part! I am offering the first two people to correctly guess my answers in the above photo a chance to win FREE ValpoLife gear! E-mail your answers to karin@valpolife.com and if you are the first one with all right answers(or if you have a majority correct), you win!