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Flint Lake Student Council Participates in Socktober 2016

Flint-Lake-ElementarySocktober-Collage-2016During the month of October, the Flint Lake Student Council collected socks for the homeless in a campaign known as Socktober. The students encouraged their peers to bring in new and packaged socks for children, women and men. On November 4th, the students delivered the socks to Housing Opportunities and New Creations Men’s Shelter.

Caren Furdeck provided an educational piece about homelessness while the students visited Housing Opportunities. She had the students share their images and thoughts about what homelessness looks like and who is affected. You could see the look of surprise on the student’s faces when she shared that “the average age of homelessness in our area is 7 years old” and that “2.1 million kids in the United States were homeless last year”. Caren explained to the Student Council members, who are third, fourth, and fifth graders, that they are “really impacting lives and that they are helping kids just like themselves.” She went on to explain the types of programs that they offer to families in the area, including a food pantry, a holiday program to provide presents, and of course - the chance to have a home.

“[When we deliver the socks] there’s tears of happiness and tears of thanks… they are so thankful for you,” Caren Furdeck stated. “You’re giving them more than socks… you’re giving them the opportunity for hope and for a future.”