Are there things you would like to learn about Duneland School Corporation? Here are just a few fun facts.
- A fleet of 83 buses transport approximately 5,000 children per day
- The grounds department mows over 150 acres a week throughout the district
- The food service department served 515,362 lunches and 134,111 breakfasts to students last year
These are just a few of the interesting facts that will be shared at our ‘Get to Know DSC’ events. Please plan to join us for the following presentations that will focus on a different service area of the school corporation each month.
The dates and subjects planned for the events are listed below:
- Sept. 26 - Technology
- Oct. 10 - Transportation
- Nov. 14 - Safety and Security
- Dec. 19 - Human Resources
- Jan. 16 - Learning and Performance
- Feb. 27 - Finance
- Mar. 13 - Athletics
- Apr. 17 - Marketing
- May 2 - Food Service and Maintenance/Operations
Each meeting will be hosted at Chesterton High School, 2125 S. 11th Street in Chesterton, in the Large Instruction Room from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Attendees may enter the building at the Main CHS Entrance #1 and following the signs upstairs.
The first event will feature Technology and will be presented by Kevin Wilson, director of Technology. Mr. Wilson will discuss the work and planning that is being done in technology along with an opportunity to ask questions about our new technology initiatives.
Everyone in the community is encouraged to join us for these monthly informative events about our school district. Mark your calendar and join us for one or all of this informative sessions. These sessions will also be video recorded and available to view online soon after the events.