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Getting to Know the Westers

BridgePoint-The-WestersPastors Jeff and Matthew here, pleased to welcome Mike Wester as our newest elder on the Pastoral Leadership Team!

You may know the Westers well already...enjoy getting to know them more with their answers to questions we asked them, here below!


What's one of your favorite books?
My favorite series will always be Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder

What's your most recent purchase?
Probably groceries. It's always groceries.

What's your idea of a perfect day?
Sleep late, go out for breakfast, kayak a new creek or river with the family, finish the day with a movie and ice cream.

Who inspires you?
My husband. I don't know anyone who will work harder to provide and care for his family.

(Speaking of...here's Mike!)


What's one of your favorite books?
Band of Brothers

What's your favorite snack?
Anything with peanut butter

What's your proudest moment?
Birth of my daughters

What's one goal you have for the next year?
Start a small business

And, finally, in case you missed it . . . here's Mike's "elder bio":

Mike lives in Valparaiso with his wife, Kim (BridgePoint’s administrative assistant), daughters Aimee (currently studying at Huntington University) and Abby (a freshman at VHS), and (hyperactive) dog George.

Mike has worked in the automotive industry for over twenty-five years, currently at Dean’s Auto Repair in Merrillville.

Mike has served actively in church life, including as an elder in two previous churches and in teaching both children and adults.

The Westers have been active at BridgePoint since their arrival in 2007. Mike has taught our junior highers, serves as an usher and greeter, and leads a weekly life group.

Mike is “excited about the future of BridgePoint” and wants “to use the gifts and experiences God has given me to help the church be all God desires for us.”

Thanks, Westers, for being a part of our church family-on-mission!