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Give the Gift of Music

LaPorte-Orchestra-Gift-of-MusicIn this season of giving thanks and giving gifts, the LaPorte County Symphony Orchestra invites you to celebrate by giving the gift of music.

Four Ways of Giving

1. Give today for an end of the year gift to the LCSO. Your holiday gift will be a tax deductible donation for you or your business in 2011. The cost of an average concert event is $25,000. We applaud the support of the major concert sponsors who make the season possible. To continue to offer these concerts free to students and affordable to area families, additional donations throughout the year are necessary. DONATE HERE

2. Give a special gift to the LCSO Children's Chorus. "Let the Children Sing" is a program where donors may give in increments of $100 to the LCSO Children's Chorus. This outreach program for 2nd-5th grade children has given young voices the opportunity to sing with the orchestra on 7 occasions and they have held 2 free concerts to share their gift of song with the community. DONATE HERE

3. Tickets to the March Classic Concert or April Pops Concert may be purchased today for a gift to a friend or family member. Buy Tickets here

4. Pledge to Hoosier STAR 2012 for year-round recognition. Auditions will be held in March for the September vocal competition.

  • Gold Star $5,000 - title sponsorship on materials all year long
  • Silver Star $2500 - designated sponsorship for prize money or production expenses such as video or sound
  • Table Sponsor $500 - sponsor a finalist and host a table
  • Send an Email to make a pledge or ask a question.

Best wishes for a warm and musical holiday