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Go Day Information

What is a Go Day?  Well, it's a day when several churches/volunteers are out doing projects all across Porter County. Here is how it works:

  • As a volunteer, you check out the website and search for projects that say "Accepting Volunteers". Then sign up to help with that project.
  • As a coach, you go and select a project that you would like to do that day.
  • You call and connect with the person in need and find out exactly what the needs are. You can go out and visit the site and see what materials you are going to need to complete the project.
  • Then you select that project from the website and mark it as planning/accepting volunteers. Be sure and write in the space provided how many volunteers you are going to need and what materials they could bring to help out. Then they can sign up to help you that day. Feel free to recruit your own help also.
  • Then, we will meet at Liberty Bible Church at 7:30am in the Cafe for coffee and a time of prayer. Please use entrance A on the southside of the church.
  • Go out and serve in the name of Christ!

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us!

Larry & Judy

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