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Goin’ to the Movies Cupcakes

Welcome to Cupcake Tuesday! If you are new here, grab a cup of tea or a glass of milk and enjoy a cupcake!

My oldest son, Andrew, works at our local movie theatre. He started working a couple years ago at the theatre in our town, then they closed and moved him to the theatre at a nearby city. Then our local theatre was purchased and so, he is back working locally. In celebration of the opening, Andrew wanted me to create some movie cupcakes. With his help, I came up with some cute Goin’ to the Movies cupcakes.

Once again, I headed to my favorite cupcake decorators, Alan and Karen, from What’s New, Cupcake and Hello, Cupcake books. They created the Popcorn Cupcakes in the Hello, Cupcake book. I started with that for inspiration, and expanded on it a bit.

You will need white and yellow mini marshmallows to create the popcorn. Lay the marshmallow on it’s side and cut each one into thirds, flatten slightly with your fingers and place in a cloverleaf like shape onto a tray or board. Then take another whole marshmallow, dab a small amount of frosting onto one end, and attach to the cloverleaf marshmallows, making sure to connect them all together. I used 3 yellow and 4 white popcorn pieces.

Casey was my helper! Frost your cupcake with Buttercream Frosting, place each of the popcorn pieces randomly on top. I added Buttered Popcorn flavored Jelly Belly Jelly Beans also, placing them in between the marshmallows.

I created the Movie Film cupcake with black licorice that I bought already rolled up. I found them at Albanese Confectionery Store. I unrolled it a little, then placed it on the cupcake, winding it up and down to make it look like Movie Film. I secured it with toothpicks and placed it in the fridge to set up.

Now for the drink, this one was the most challenging. I could see in my head how I wanted it to look, but couldn’t quite make it look that way.

I started by stacking 2 cupcakes on top of each other, then placed them into a paper cup. I tinted Buttercream Frosting to make it look like Soda, using Wilton Brown Icing Color and piped it on with my Wilton #2A Round Tip. I was trying to make it look bubbly. Then I added a bendable straw.

Now for the cupcake wrappers…several years back while looking around at a “junk” store, you know the kind, you name it – they got it Anyway, I came across this huge stack of popcorn boxes, and thought it would be fun to have them for Goin’ to the Movies, even if it was just at home. They were only $1, so I snatched them up and held onto them, knowing someday…they would come in handy. Today was the day

I started with a pattern that I found on the Paper Glitter Blog. I downloaded the pattern, cut it out and used it as a template to cut out the popcorn wrappers. If you haven’t seen Linnette’s work, please take a minute and browse around, she has lots of Free printables and works on lots of fun projects with SimplyNabiki. You will be seeing lots more of Paper Glitter at our Mamapalooza Blog Frog Launch!