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Great Things Happening with the Cooks Corners PTA!

Cooks-Corners-Erin-Utesch-3There are lots of things happening with the Cooks PTA! Here is a quick update so you can mark your calendar.

  • "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?" trivia sign-ups are due THIS THURSDAY! This is great fun! Attached is a sign-up sheet for this January 27th event.
  • Friday, January 27th is also Cooks Night at a VHS basketball game. Tickets are $6 per person, with 50% of that price coming back to out PTA. All students who pre-purchase tickets will be put in a drawing for a chance to shoot free throws with Ms. Utesch (our new principal) at half-time. These same students will get to high five the VHS players as they return to the court for the 2nd half. An order form is attached, and they will also be sent home with students this week.
  • Laundry Basket Wars are taking place January 25 - 27th. We'd love your gently-used children's clothing and books for our spring clothing sale.
  • Friday, Febuary 10th we are having a Cooks' Family Valentine's Sock Hop at Flint Lake. They have a large gym and cefeteria so families can all boogie the night away with a DJ. This is a free event from 6:30 - 8:00.
  • Cooks' Night at Shoe's Pizzeria is schedule for Thursday, March 1st. A portion of all proceeds comes back to our school. Plan to come for an easy dinner with other Cooks' families.
  • SAVE THE DATE .... The Cooks PTA is working with Memorial's PTO to bring the Harlem Wizards to VHS on Tuesday, April 24th. The Wizards are much like the Harlem Globtrotter's; they are a professional entertainment basketball group. They will be playing a team of staff members from the elementary schools in Valpo. This will be a great family event, and ticket prices will be just $10. A portion of all proceeds will be given to the Valparaiso Community Schools Foundation. Check out their website: www.harlemwizards.com or watch a short clip at www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IFUjxZMXiY.

PHOTO HELP NEEDED! The yearbook needs your pictures. If you have a great shot from a classroom December holiday party or a field trip we'd love for you to share! The best photos are those that contain groups of students. Please send any submissions to vickipuskar@yahoo.com. Include the class and a blurb about the photo (what event, etc). THANK YOU!