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GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Malden Labor Day Parade and new school opportunities are in Morgan Township

GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Malden Labor Day Parade and new school opportunities are in Morgan Township

What’s recently happened?

Morgan Township High School (MTHS) began its 2024-2025 school year on August 14. The start of a new school year brought the start of new classes and extracurriculars for all students, including several call out meetings for school clubs and upcoming fall sports.

MTHS recently allowed incoming sophomores to take AP Language and Composition, which will allow students with strong English skills to be thoroughly challenged. They will take the class alongside juniors and seniors, and all students will learn how to write college-level essays 

“I am excited about the opportunity for our MTHS students to have more options as they determine their high school coursework. AP Language and Composition is a rigorous college course, and sophomores who understand this and are up for the challenge will be able to develop skills crucial to success in college and later careers,” said Erin Taylor, who teaches AP Language and Composition. “The group of sophomores who have chosen the class this year have shown their eagerness to be in my classroom, and I am soaking in the thought-provoking discussions we’ve already had.”

Other new classes offered to high school students include Business Management along with Marketing 101, which allows students to take more classes for potential future business careers. These classes also prepare DECA members to learn more about their areas of business events in competition.

New opportunities also arose for students in the form of school clubs. The Student Council had its first official meeting on Friday, August 23. However, many clubs start the school year with call out meetings and officer meetings. 

The call out meeting for DECA was on Wednesday, August 21, where new and incoming DECA members learned about the club. Tabletop Gaming Club also had its call out meeting on Friday, August 23. The Chess Club had its call out meeting on Monday, August 26, and the Drama Club had one on Tuesday, August 27.

“I’m excited about doing my business role plays in DECA and hopefully qualifying for the State Career and Development Conference again. It’s been a fun experience in the past, and I can’t wait to start off another year in DECA,” said Lucia Hensley, a junior at MTHS. “I am also excited for Student Council events; I can’t wait to help out more around my community.”

MTHS’ Art Club had its first meeting of the school year on Thursday, August 22, where the teacher sponsor met with the club’s officers. Interact Club had a similar meeting on Wednesday, August 21 as well.

Fall sports also had call out meetings, including Girls Basketball, which was on Tuesday, August 20, and Boys Basketball, which was on Wednesday, August 21. High School Boys Baseball’s call out meeting was Thursday, August 22 and High School Girls Softball had its call out meeting on Friday, August 23. High School Boys Volleyball also had its call out meeting Friday, August 23.

These meetings for both clubs and sports attract new and returning members, where they learn more about what the 2024-2025 school year holds for their sport or club. August was full of new opportunities for the students of MTHS.

What’s coming up?

The Malden Labor Day Parade will take place on September 2 and will begin at noon. The Malden Labor Day Parade is an important tradition in Morgan Township wherein members of the community can participate and drive in the parade.

The Morgan Township Volunteer Fire Department hosts and plans the Malden Labor Day Parade, which includes emergency response vehicles such as fire trucks and police cars. Morgan Township residents can sign up to be involved in the Malden Labor Day parade. Around 75-80 people sign up annually, though that number increases every year.

“This will be my 11th year on the 4-H float, and I enjoy the bonding our 4-H Club gets from the ride,” said Haley Casbon, a sophomore at MTHS.

Those who participate in the Malden Labor Day Parade often drive antique tractors, floats, and trucks. They will toss out candy to children who watch from the roadside – a fun and tasty tradition that all the children love.

While the Morgan Township Volunteer Fire Department has no events planned for after the parade, it is always hosting community events. The Malden Labor Day Parade is just one Morgan Township tradition out of many that the Morgan Township Volunteer Fire Department assists with.

Community member spotlight:

Josh Kandel is currently the Chief of the Morgan Township Volunteer Fire Department. He has worked at the fire department for 20 years serving in several positions. These include working as a firefighter, Lieutenant, and Assistant Chief before becoming the Chief. 

“My grandpa and my neighbor were firefighters. They both would take me to their fire departments often. As soon as I turned 18, I joined,” said Kandel.

Kandel is connected to the community through both his family and his work. He works closely with others in Morgan Township through his job and volunteer work. When he is not serving his community, he loves being outdoors, fishing, and hunting with his dogs along with spending time with his wife, son, and daughter.

“For my full-time job, I work for Keystone Cooperative, so I get to see the farmers and their families and have been able to get to know a lot of the community,” Kandel said.

The Morgan Township Volunteer Fire Department is an important part of the Morgan Township community. Annual fire department events ranging from the springtime Fish Fry and Pork Chop Sale to the Malden Labor Day Parade all staples of living in Morgan Township.