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Habitat for Humanity of NWI Brings Together Diverse Group From the Faith Community to Raise Walls

HABITAT-FOR-HUMANITY-OF-NWI-BRINGS-TOGETHER-DIVERSE-GROUP-FROM-THE-FAITH-COMMUNITY-TO-RAISE-WALLS-2018Members from several area churches, a local mosque, and a local synagogue came together to raise the walls on a Habitat for Humanity home in Gary.

“Wall raises require a team of people working together and relying on each other to lift and secure the wall,” stated Amy Blaker, Director of Development for Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Indiana. “We are blessed to have a diverse group of volunteers from the faith community helping build another Habitat home in the Field of Dreams.”

Members from Illiana Islamic Association, Ridge United Methodist Church, Temple Beth El, Saint Maria Goretti Church, and First Presbyterian Church of Hammond provided both volunteer labor and a $2,500 donation to participate in the Interfaith Wall Raise.

The congregations have been working together for a few years with clergy meeting regularly for support, encouragement, and to promote a sense of hope in the world through our diversity.

Michelle Knight, Senior Pastor at Ridge United Methodist Church, has previous experience volunteering with Habitat for Humanity and encouraged the group to take part in a Habitat build.

"Our response to the violence, hate and, evil in our world within our various traditions is to 'do good, offer kindness, and help the stranger'. What a joy today to stand shoulder to shoulder and raise walls for a family who will experience within their new home- refuge and security! Our communities are better and stronger as we, people of different faiths, work together. God's love is greater than any evil," stated Knight