Home»Sports»High Schools»Hammon Morton Wins BGHS’s “Turkey Take-Down” Meet

Hammon Morton Wins BGHS’s “Turkey Take-Down” Meet

Boone Grove hosted the Five Team "turkey Take-Down" Wrestling Invitational on Saturday. The Hammond Morton Governors went 4-0 to take home the Trophy!!

Boone Grove finished 3-1 followed by Hebron at 2-2, Hammond High 1-3 and Whiting 0-4.

Hammond Morton had (5) individual champions:

120 - Ruben Rodriguez
152 - Elijah Knight
170- Ryan Johnston
195- Diego Perez
HWT-Fabian Durant

106 - Daniel Ford - Hammond High
145 - Dijon Underwood - Hammond High

160-Jared Cockrell- Boone Grove

113-Frankie Rossodivito - Whiting
126-Zach Smuc - Whiting
220-Russell Eldrige - Whiting

138- Nathan Bateman - Hebron
182-Jon Wallace - Hebron

All the above wrestlers finished 4-0 for the day

Cody Poynter, Neal Cleland and Zach Keilman finished the day 3 and 1 for the Wolves