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Harlem Wizards vs. Valpo All Stars to Raise Funds for Valpo Schools Foundation

harlem-wizards-vsfThe Valpo Schools Foundation will be hosting the Harlem Wizards, sponsored by Cavanaugh & Nondorf Orthodontics. The Harlem Wizards will be taking on the Valpo All Stars, a team made up of teachers and staff, in an exhibition game of basketball to raise money for the Valpo Schools Foundation.

The Wizards, who are on their 50 Years of Wizardry Worldwide Tour, will take on the Valpo All Star team at 6:30 p.m., Friday, April 24th at the VHS gymnasium.

The Wizards are known for providing family entertainment along with tricks, coordinated ball handling and aerodynamic athleticism. They will play a local team featuring representatives from each of the 10 Valparaiso elementary and middle schools, including teachers, coaches, principals, and staff members.

Proceeds from the event will benefit the Valpo Schools Foundation, a not-for- profit organization that provides funds to the students and teachers of the Valparaiso Community Schools through grants and scholarships. For more information on the Valpo Schools Foundation, please visit www.valposchoolsfoundation.org.

Advanced tickets are $10 each. Tickets at the door are $12 each. Advanced tickets may be purchased at Blythe’s Athletics, Valparaiso High School Athletic Office and Valparaiso Community Schools Administration Building. VCS elementary and middle schools will be selling advanced tickets Friday, April 18th. Those organizations will keep $2 from each ticket sold.

For more information please contact, Brett Galloway at 531-3000, Ext. 1135 or bgalloway@valpo.k12.in.us