Home»Community»Serving»Hayes Leonard Elementary to Host 2013 Bistro Mama Mia Style Dinner and Silent Auction

Hayes Leonard Elementary to Host 2013 Bistro Mama Mia Style Dinner and Silent Auction

hayes-leonard-elementary-logoHayes Leonard PTO is looking for sponsors, advertisers and auction items for its Annual Bistro Mama Mia Style Dinner and Silent Auction at the Valparaiso High School on Friday, May 10, 2013 from 6pm-9pm.

This will be a fun evening for families as there will be a silent auction and fun activities for the kids and mom, since it is Mother’s Day weekend. What better way to kick of Mother’s Day weekend then by taking mom out for a night?

The Hayes Leonard PTO is attempting to raise money to purchase new furniture, desks and organizational supplies for its teachers and students with an anticipated cost of over $75,000. In addition, the Hayes Leonard PTO wishes to provide additional support to our children, teachers and the school to offset the amounts lost due to the budget cuts so that the school can continue to provide a superior level of education that it has a reputation of doing.

We are looking for companies and people interested in buying advertisement in the Hayes Kids Magazine, sponsoring this event and donating items for the silent auction. Anyone interested, please call Anna Hearn at 219-921-4799 or email her at annahearnjd@yahoo.com.

to find out more about Hayes Leonard Elementary click here!