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Help Housing Opportunities Give Sherry A Home

Housing-Opportunities-We-Need-YouSherry is a 53-year-old single woman who suffers from a physical disability, diabetes, and depression. Sherry was recently released from a rehabilitation center after falling and shattering her leg. She is recovering from this injury, but is back living in a situation that is not conducive for her physical disabilities. She is blessed with a loving family who offers support as much as they can. Sherry has applied to our Park Place Project which will allow her to live in a handicap accessible unit and would help eliminate large barriers she faces every day. Barriers that led to her falling. This home will be safe for her, and allow her independence which will restore her dignity! We need your help to get Sherry into her safe home.

A recent unmet needs study for Porter County revealed that there is a need for affordable housing in Valparaiso. The Park Place project recognizes that need and is one step towards filling that housing gap, while improving the community. This impact started with the purchase of a building in our neighborhood located at 1117 N. Calumet Ave. This unique project is a partnership with Project Neighbors and a volunteer build opportunity. Since early summer we have been relying on community partners and volunteers to transform the empty building into a safe, decent and affordable home for single women.

We cannot thank our volunteer groups enough for the endless hours of blood, sweat, and tears during the heat of the summer that have gone into this project. We are now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! With virtually all the drywall hung and finished in the first floor eleven units and with ten of those units painted, we have begun the finishing trades: installing tile in baths and kitchen areas, hanging cabinets, installing outlets and switches, and trimming windows and doors. We are incredibly thankful for the local donations and grants we have received helping this project so far, including those who attended our Masquerade Ball and helped us raise $12,000 dollars for Park Place!

We are almost there but need your help! We still need volunteers and just as importantly we need dollars to finish the project! You could help women like Sherry have a safe home! We are hoping you will consider taking action and donating to help us cover the costs for the counter tops and carpet that will turn the now bare apartment spaces into welcoming homes. Your generosity can help us ensure installation of a small laundry facility on the premises. Your gift can help provide the remaining necessary HVAC equipment to keep the homes warm this winter! You can step in, step up, and help others step forward! Click on the Make A Difference Today link to help Sherry and so many other women in need!

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