In this video by JBH Productions, Jesse Harper follows Hines Plimbing, Inc. owner Jack Hines as he walks us through some of the tools and supplies he and his guys use to get the job down. Hines Plumbing: "We stand 'be-hines' our work!"
Hines Plumbing, Inc. is a fully licensed and insured plumbing company serving Valparaiso since 2000. We pride ourselves on being prompt, clean and thoughtful professionals with over 50 years of combined experience. Our licensed experts ensure your work is done correctly and safely the first time.
We offer residential plumbing repairs and new construction for your whole home, from the pipes under your house to the vent pipe on the roof. We also perform bathroom remodels and can update your outdated plumbing. Commercial and emergency services are also available.
Whatever your plumbing needs, Hines Plumbing can help you. Call today for your free estimate!