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Holiday Events from the Porter County Parks

Sunset-Hills-SantaPlease register for all programs by calling 219-465-3586. For more information, visit www.portercountyparks.org.

Pysanky Eggs (Parent and Child)
Pysanky uses a wax-resist (batik) method to dye eggs, resulting in striking colors and elaborate detail. This class offers the chance for parents and children to create a beautiful egg of their own. The cost of this program is $25. It will take place on Saturday, Dec. 1, from 1 to 4 p.m. at Sunset Hill Farm County Park, 775 Meridian Road in Liberty Township.

Camp FUNset Winter Holiday Camp
Kids in grades K through 7 are invited to Sunset Hill Farm County Park to enjoy their Winter Break with nature hikes, games, arts and crafts and more. The camp will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Jan. 2, 3 and 4. The cost of this program is $60 per camper, with a $5 sibling discount for each additional camper when families are registering more than one child. Training opportunities are also available for students ages 13 and up who want to learn how to be a counselor. For more information, or to register, contact Katie Rizer at 219-309-0680 or e-mail krizer@porterco.org.

Couch to Foot Pursuit 5K
Gradually ease yourself into a running program on the trails of Sunset Hill Farm County Park. We will prepare you for the Foot Pursuit 5K, which takes place March 2 at Sunset Hill Farm, while giving you the tools you need to get active and fit. The class will take place every Saturday from Jan. 5 to March 2 at 8:30 a.m. This class is perfect for beginner runners and no prior experience is necessary. The cost of the program is $50 and includes race registration and a T-shirt. For more information, or to register, call Wellness Coordinator Becky Kreiger at 219-734-0203 or e-mail bkreiger@porterco.org.

Yoga Meditation Wellness Retreat
Come to Brincka Cross Gardens, 427 E. Furness Road in Pine Township, for this relaxing retreat that will focus on the health of both the mind and body on Sunday, Dec. 2, from 1 to 4 p.m. The class costs $35 and will be led by an experienced instructor.

Acrylic Painting Christmas Project (Adult)
All skill levels are welcome to attend this adult art class to create a Christmas project under the guidance of an experienced instructor. The class costs $10 and will take place on Monday, Dec. 3, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the South Haven Public Library, 403 West 700 North, in South Haven. Painting surfaces will be provided by the instructor.

Food Gifts
Gifts and food are two of the best things about the holidays. Learn how to surprise your loved ones with creative treats during this workshop offered by the Purdue Extension Porter County at Sunset Hill Farm County Park. This FREE workshop will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 5, from 10 to 11 a.m. and 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Senior Hike – Beaver Lecture
Seniors are invited to take a short hike at Sunset Hill Farm County Park with Naturalist Beth Hudick, who will then offer an indoor program about the beavers that make the park home. This FREE program will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 5, from 3 to 4 p.m.

Pysanky Eggs (Teen and Youth)
Pysanky uses a wax-resist (batik) method to dye eggs, resulting in striking colors and elaborate detail. Two classes will be offered, giving teens and younger students the chance to create a beautiful egg of their own. The cost of this program is $25. Both classes will be offered on Saturday, Dec. 8, at Sunset Hill Farm County Park. The class for teens (ages 13 to 18) will take place from noon to 3 p.m., and the class for younger students (ages 8 to 12) will take place from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Let It Snow
Kids and their families will enjoy a story, craft and activity during this fun and interactive program offered by Parents as Teachers of Porter County at Brincka Cross Gardens on Thursday, Dec. 13, at 10 a.m. The cost of the program is $5 per family. For more information, or to register, visit www.patpc.org.

Acrylic Painting Christmas Project (Youth)
All skill levels are welcome to attend this youth art class to create a Christmas project under the guidance of an experienced instructor. The class costs $8 and will take place on Saturday, Dec. 15, from 1 to 2 p.m. at Sunset Hill Farm County Park. Painting surfaces will be provided by the instructor.

Open Art Studio with Acrylics
All skill levels are welcome to attend this weekly adult art class and create a project of their choice under the guidance of an experienced instructor. Classes take place every Thursday, from 6 to 8 p.m., and Saturday, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Sunset Hill Farm County Park Program Center. Cost is $5 if students bring their own painting surface, or $10 if a surface is provided by the instructor.

Storybook Trail
This FREE activity runs year round at Sunset Hill Farm County Park. Enjoy reading, exercising and family time by walking along the trail and stopping at each page to find out what happens next. A suggested movement will also be listed. The trail begins on the path by the playground, south of the parking lot. Stories change every month. This program is open to the public and no registration is necessary.

About Porter County Parks and Recreation
The mission of the Porter County Parks and Recreation Board and Department is to preserve, protect and manage the natural, cultural and recreational resources within a diverse park system. For more information, call 219-465-3586 or visit www.portercountyparks.org.