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Hot Off the Press and Benefiting The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

Has your HEART been broken in your quest for love?
Has your life been touched by CANCER?
Then this book is a quick MUST READ for you!

If He Says He's Evil ... Believe Him! - Searching for True Love Can Cause Cancer, is a new book written by Kelly Molchan of Valparaiso, IN. The book travels through a Hodgkin's Lymphoma experience while reflecting on years of bad relationships that probably caused it!  It is sold on Amazon.com and soon through KellyMolchan.com with a portion of the proceeds being donated to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.


"You can't put it down. Crying one minute, laughing the next. Kelly brings you into her life chapter after chapter. She makes you think about everything! Diet, dating, sex, illness, friendship, family and what true love really means. I finished this book feeling as if I was given a special secret" to happiness. Thank you Kelly! I can't wait for the next book!" Michelle M.

"I've known Kelly for many years, but even if I didn't, I'd feel like I knew her by the time I finished the book! She writes with such candor, sharing from the deepest parts of her heart. As I read the book I felt pulled into her world and I experienced the laughter, tears, anger, and joy that she was writing about. I absolutely couldn't put the book down!" Sherrill B.

"Kelly is a wonderful writer and great conversationalist. Her storytelling ability made me want to keep reading until I was finished with the entire book in 2 nights. Her husband Dan and I go way back although I have never met Kelly but I can see why they are together. I recently purchased this book to read and then pass down to a great friend who was recently diagnosed with cancer. She also raves about the book. It was just what the doctor ordered! Thanks Kelly! When is the next book due? I am placing my order now." Jim K.

Please order your copy today from www.Amazon.com -- a portion of the proceeds will be donated to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

After you place your order on Amazon.com, please log back on and write your own review!  Kelly needs numerous written reviews so that her publishing company will promote the book.