The second of Porter Regional Hospital’s American Heart Month presentations went over well on Thursday night under the careful direction of Dr. Keith Atassi with the topic, “How clogged are your Arteries?”.
This seminar focused on coronary artery disease, essentially the hardening of arteries, which is cited as the number one killer in our country. This topic is especially important because plaque can build up in arteries gradually over a long period of time, so those who have it often don’t even notice! Thankfully, Dr. Atassi stressed that most of the risks factors for coronary artery disease are modifiable.
Dr. Atassi’s presentation was informative, enjoyable, relaxed, and educational, focusing on treatment options and recognizing when to consider intervention. While munching on heart-healthy snacks, attendees learned about their health and become more informed about heart issues. Following a 40-minute presentation, Dr. Atassi fielded questions from the room. With his specialization in interventional cardiology and in researching new treatment modalities, he is specially equipped to help patients and the community with their heart health.
“The issue to me is that it is a modifiable disease and it’s a major disease – the number one killer in this country by far. There are a lot of things you could do to prevent that and reduce the risks. There is a lot we could do to help people potentially avoid this and if they have the disease, to live with it and be healthy,” Atassi explained.
Porter Regional Health’s celebration of American Heart Month is all about prevention. Some symptoms of coronary heart disease include: high LDL cholesterol (“the bad one”), hypertension, cigarette smoking, Type 2 diabetes, age, low HDL cholesterol (“the good one”), family history, severe obesity, and personal history of cardiovascular disease. If you recognize any of these symptoms, don’t be afraid. There are medications to help, as well as surgical and non-surgical interventions. Not only can Porter Regional Hospital take care of you if you have any cardiovascular problem, but there is so much you can do for yourself!
“Aside from family history of heart disease, everything is modifiable!” Atassi said with a smile.
It’s too easy sometimes to think to ourselves that there is nothing we can do for our own health, when in reality there are so many ways we can help ourselves by being aware of our own bodies to take control of our future health. Simple things, like moving more – every bit counts – eating well, going to the doctor, attending neat little events like these, and following our doctor’s orders can really help us out in the long run!
If you’ve enjoyed learning about heart health here online, you’re sure to love these informational events hosted by Porter Regional Hospital in Valparaiso! There are two more presentations this month by Dr. Atassi’s colleagues, so there’s still time to get “in” on the information. If you’re interested, follow this link to register for one or both of the remaining events: PAD is Bad, Thursday, February 20, or Get Back in Rhythm, Wednesday, February 26. Both will be held in the Community Room at 6 pm and are sure to deliver positive heart-healthy information!
If you can’t make it to any of the events, but would like to learn more about your own cardiovascular health as a personal celebration of American Hearth Month – and as a step to take control of your life, Porter Regional Hospital is on your side! You could get a Comprehensive Cardiac & Stroke Screening for just $85 by calling (219) 983-8310 to schedule an appointment. If you’re in the market for overall health, you can even call Porter Health for a FREE physician referral at (800) 541-1861. Keep your eyes peeled on here, too, for updates on what’s happening for YOU at Porter Health!