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IDOE Announces Title 1 Distinguished Schools

state-flag-indianaThe Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) announced today that Lincoln Elementary in Fort Wayne Community School Corporation and Allisonville Elementary in the Metropolitan School District of Washington Township have been named 2011 Title 1 Distinguished Schools. The program honors schools for significant efforts to close the achievement gap or drive exceptional academic performance and provides each recipient a $50,000 high-performing school grant award.

I congratulate the students, teachers and school leaders at Lincoln Elementary and Allisonville Elementary for their tenacity, hard-work and commitment to impressive academic outcomes for all students,” State Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Tony Bennett said. “Closing the achievement gap is a top priority for Indiana, and schools across the state should learn everything they can from these positive role models.

Lincoln Elementary received the award for driving academic growth and closing the achievement gap. The school maintains an intense focus on core subjects and provides meaningful intervention for students who fall behind. Staff members work together to ensure all students receive one-on-one instruction throughout the day. Since 2008, Lincoln has seen a sizeable increase in the number of minority students passing the Indiana Statewide Testing for Education Progress-Plus (ISTEP+) exam. The number of African American students passing the Math portion of the ISTEP+ exam increased by 28 percent while the number of Hispanic students passing the English/language arts portion of the test increased by 19 percent.

Allisonville Elementary was recognized for the outstanding academic achievement of its students. The school utilizes a 90-minute reading block and constant data collection to provide students targeted and effective instruction. The “Allisonville Way” fosters increased engagement among community members and parents to provide a positive learning atmosphere and several extra-curricular opportunities. Allisonville is a National Blue Ribbon School and an Indiana Four Star School. Almost 92 percent of its students passed the recent Math ISTEP+ test.

The Title I Distinguished Schools Program is a joint project of the National Association of State Title I Directors (NASTID) and the U.S. Department of Education. The IDOE’s Title I office identifies the top Title I served schools statewide through a review of student achievement data, an examination of Adequate Yearly Progress data, telephone interviews with school principals and on-site visits.

This process indentifies several other top-performers who are also recognized for their excellence. The Title 1 High Performing Schools for 2011 are:

  • Sand Creek Elementary - Jennings County Schools
  • Thomas Jefferson Elementary - Valparaiso Community Schools
  • Thomas Miller Elementary - Lafayette School Corporation
  • Christel House Academy - Indianapolis
  • Liberty Park Elementary - MSD-Warren Township
  • Fairmont Elementary - New Albany-Floyd Country Consolidated Schools

To be considered for the program, schools must have a poverty rate of at least 40 percent and be nominated by states’ Title I programs. Schools selected for the award must demonstrate strengths in the following areas:

  • Opportunity for all children to meet proficient and advanced levels of performance;
  • Strong professional development;
  • Coordination with other programs;
  • Curriculum and instruction to support achievement of high standards;
  • and Partnerships among schools, parents and communities.

For more information, please visit http://www.doe.in.gov/accreditation/titleIdis.html.